Sunday 9 February 2014

Kefee’s Branama Kitchen Celebrates Two Years Anniversary

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Weeks back, it was said that Kefee’s Branama Kitchen was shut down but it was only undergoing maintenance and repairs, the food center is already two and Kefee celebrated the anniversary on February 6th, Branama Kitchen which is located at Mende Maryland, Lagos was opened on January 5 and served free meals to all customers during the anniversary.

She said.``I am grateful to God for bringing us this far. I opened Branama Kitchen on my birthday two years ago, so I am also celebrating my birthday and I thank God for all he has done for me,’’ She equally addressed why the Kitchen was shut down

``Yes, the restaurant was closed but it was just for maintenance purposes. If you visit the restaurant you will see some of the changes that have taken place there,’’

On Valentine’s Day, the Kitchen would giving out a food bonanza to couples on Valentine’s Day. She said that “all couples who visit the restaurant on Feb. 14 can eat two plates of food and pay for just one.”

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