Saturday 17 August 2013

Top Nollywood Marketer and Producer Pressing Forward Celebrates his Daughter’s Birthday with His Occult Members

It’s no longer news that Nollywood has been taking over by fetichism, it was on his daughter’s 6th year birthday that this marketer com producer decided to mark it in a coven with members of his cult..
All this and more happened on the set of mothers and girls cult (working title), according to a source, it was marketer\producer pressing forwards little girl’s birthday, artist on set asked him to bring her to location so they can celebrate with her but pressing said no, with enough persuasion from top artist like Patience Ozokwor (a k a mama G) and Oge Okoye he finally agreed.
After shooting their last scene for the day in a coven they all assembled together with the birthday girl and her father, most of them in their costumes and celebrated the 6 year old girl…
The movie mothers and girls cult (working title) was shoot in Owerr weeks back, Produced by Pressing Forward Production and Directed by Emeka Hills Umeasor
Pictures below:

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